Vallation 128K

Download 128K emulator image in TAP & TZX format for ZX Spectrum emulator. (83KB)

As announced a while back, I’ve been working on a 128K version of Vallation. It was supposed to be out after 3-4 months, but other projects and distractions put a stop to that and now – after almost 1.5 year – it is finally done. Yay.

In this expanded version I’ve addressed many of the issues with the original game, as well as implemented several ideas suggested by the Spectrum community, so this is what’s new;

  • More variety. It now has almost 3 times the amount of enemies and I’ve gone through the entire game and inserted new enemies all over the place.
  • Even more variety in the levels – about double the amount of tiles used to build the levels.
  • 128K music and sound effects.
  • Kempston controls.
  • Extra lives awarded at the completion of a level.
  • Enemies that are easier to kill and “better looking bullets”. The whole shooting-mechanic has been rewritten.
  • A high score table.
  • A new 5th level. This one is huge and adds another 49 screens which brings the total up to 150 screens. This new level is is pretty different from the rest of the game – it’s not linear but a maze with multiple routes going off in all directions. This level also has pickups and requires a certain amount – that are dotted around the level – to be collected in order to be able to get to the final teleporter and complete the game. A bit like Sabre Wulf in space then.

Generally I feel this version is easier than the 48K version. Well, until you reach the 5th level anyway 😉

So, not only is the 128K done – it’s also finally available on on physical cassette from Psytronik Software. There are two versions available – a standard edition (£6.99) and a clamshell edition which includes a full colour mini-manual and a full colour REVERSIBLE inlay featuring two different designs (£12.99). Both versions has professionally printed full colour inlay and covers, as well as stunning artwork licensed from Oliver Frey. The cassette has the 48K version on one side and the 128K version on the other side.

Go to the Binary Zone Retro Store to get your physical copy.

The 48K version can still be downloaded for free, here.

[One day after release]: Originally I wanted to have the 128K version be exclusive to the tape version, but that idea lasted exactly one day – as I soon realized that there was a demand for a just a digital download, so I’ve had the game added to as a diginal download. You can name your own price, so if you don’t want to pay you can just download the 128K version, but if you feel like it you can also throw a couple of quid at it, if you think I need more beer (which I always do because that makes me happy) 😉

Download for free/pay/etc here.