Yay, I just finished my ZX Spectrum remake of Dingo today.
In a fun coincidence it’s also the 21st October today, which means that it’s been exactly 3 months since I started working on this game. That wasn’t planned at all. In fact the game was fully playable after the first month and I expected it to be done a lot earlier, but I’ve spent the two latest months optimising and polishing it, so there’s no doubt it’s now better presented and smoother than it was back then. A better game – time well spent, then. 😉
So this morning I just sent the final version to Mark R. Jones, my artist and musician, who will have the “fun” task of duplicating all the physical copies to be used at this years REPLAY Expo.
There will be a limited run of physical copies on cassette at the REPLAY Expo – all numbered and signed by Mark and me, some to be given away and some to sold at cost price, but it will be made available for free as an emulator download here and at World Of Spectrum, but not until just after the expo.
I hope to be present at the expo myself – I’ve bought a ticket anyway, but I’m having knee surgery just 10 days earlier, so I can’t say for sure if I’m up for it by then, but if you see a guy on crutches that might be me. 🙂


In-game screen

Preparing physical copies for the REPLAY Expo.