Tardis Remakes on Facebook

I’ve finally found the time to a bit of work I’ve wanted to for a while – adding videos of all my games, and making a Facebook page for them too.

So now there’s a video on each game’s page on this site, but you can also watch them on my YouTube channel.

You can also read short descriptions of the games and watch the videos on the Facebook page which is found here.

Check it out and leave a comment about the game you like.
…and remember to ‘like‘ it too. 😉

Tardis Remakes on Facebook.

Tardis Remakes on Facebook.

Dingo for iOS.

Dingo is now available as a free standalone app for iOS (running under Jonathan Needle’s Spectaculator emulator), so if you want to give it play on that platform you can. It does play a lot better on a real keyboard, though.

Dingo on iOS running under the Spectaculator emulator.

Dingo on iOS running under the Spectaculator emulator.


However, I’ve started to tweak the game and have cleared a bit of space, so when I get more time I’ll probably look into improving the controls a bit. That will definitely help on the iOS platform.

It’s been two weeks since the REPLAY Expo and it was quite an experience and went pretty much without a hitch (I didn’t screw things up too badly until I got back, but that’s a whole different post).

Here’s another picture from the Expo.

The Dingo stand at the REPLAY Expo.

The Dingo stand at the REPLAY Expo.


Currently I’m working on a new Xmas game for the PC. Unfortunately I’m a bit behind schedule, but I hope to have it finished before Christmas anyway. If not, then I’m going to be done in real good time before next Christmas. LOL.


Dingo for the ZX Spectrum released.



I’m happy to announce that my Spectrum version of Dingo is now completely…complete, and has been released.

The game ”premiered” at the REPLAY EXPO in Blackpool, on november 5th 2011.

For this special occation we produced 60 physical cassette copies which we demoed and sold at cost from The Attic Bug stall at the Expo. The cassettes were all signed by the artist and me, and 50 of them were also numbered while the remaining 10 that were not numbered were made to be given away for free.

Most cassettes were sold at the event but the few unsold copies have all found new owners and there won’t be any more. However, the day after the Expo the game was release as a free download – including all the highres artwork, so if you wish you can make your own.

Go here to read more about the game and to download it.


The two size of cassettes that were sold at the Replay Expo.

The two sizes of cassettes that were sold at the Replay Expo.