Oh dear, another year…

First of all: Happy New Year to everyone still visiting 🥳🎉🥂 You’re a hopeful bunch. I hope I don’t disappoint you … another year 😜

The news is, however, that not much progress has been made since I posted last, exactly a year ago 😢

The Spectrum Next project that I was working on a year ago – and had 75% (ish) completed – hasn’t progressed any further. Well, perhaps a little, but I haven’t worked on it since mid-January (2024), so it’s can’t be much. I still intend to finish it though … but apparently I need a bit more time, lol. Hopefully it won’t be another year before I update this damn thing again, haha.

Me being me, I have started several other projects in 2024 … and not finished those either (well, except for one). I’m turning into another Mini0n (only few [RR] people will understand that reference). But because of the change in my job – which I mentioned in my last post – I don’t spend so much time on games development as I’ve done before … but I still love it and hope to be a bit more productive in 2025.

The one project I haven’t abandoned (yet, lol), is a small project that I started about 2 weeks ago, so it’s still early days on that one. It won’t be a “mega-game” and it will definitely not be popular with an IP-troll in the industry (so it can’t be sold), but I’m mostly making it to satisfy a personal itch, and so far I’m having fun with it. Stay tuned.

Now, the only thing I can claim to have finished in 2024, is an update to Dingo – my Spectrum game from 2011 (that also recieved an update in 2016). In this case I was contacted my Allan Turvey and asked if I wanted to re-relelase an updated version of it, for inclusion into his latest Midnight Brew Collection of games. That is an honor, as Alan is a solid and very capable coder with a sense for quality and what it takes to make a good game. So Dingo was updated and the new version (1.5) is now a 128K version that adds a bunch of AY music to it. It will still run on a 48K machine though, just without the new music.

For now this updated version is exclusive to the Midnight Brew Collection 2024 and can only be obtained by buying that, but that will also get you 4 other fantastic games, so it’s a great purchase indeed.

Oh dear, another year passed, another 2.5 years of nothing.

Yeah, oh dear, it has been 2.5 years since my last update and then it had been 2.5 years since I had worked on anything, so basically that means at least 5 years of developing nothing.

Well, thats not entirely true. I have developed lots, started lots of projects – and several of those up to being 75% complete, before abandoning them (perhaps only temporarily, who knows) for something else … or relaxing, but the point is: I haven’t completed any projects I’ve started since 2018 … and I’m honestly not very happy about that.

That’s crazy, what happened? I used to be so active from 2004 to 2018, but in truth my job has changed and I’m now much busier at work than I was before, so I’m more tired in the evenings and go to bed earlier – and instead of coding I spend my ‘down time’ (usually) watching television.

I do miss coding though, and I am working on (another) new project for the Spectrum Next that I hope I will finish soon – it’s certainly more than 75% complete by now, so that’s a good omen, lol.

I’m not sure when it will be ready, but I’m sure I’ll post about it in as many places as I can 😉

Happy New Year 🥳🎉🥂

Things from the past, things in the future.

I recieved a mail the other day, alerting me to the fact that one of my games couldn’t be downloaded. This usually happens when the plugin that tracks downloads fails and deletes the ID file that contains the real links. I do have a procedure in place that checks daily and alerts me when this happens, but this only happens if the size of the ID file is “quite small”. Well, in this case, for whatever reason, only the last 10 or so entried had been deleted from the ID file, so the ID file was still bigger than the threshold I’d defined and therefore I hadn’t been alerted. Ahh, just another way computers find a way to screw with us, lol.

Luckily, since it’s been quite a while since I released something, so the file hadn’t been updated for a long time and I could just replace it with a backup and now things are working again.

So that was the past things (now in order), but I can also report that after a 2.5 year break from coding I’m finally back to coding and working on a new game. It will be released for the Spectrum Next and the Taito L System arcade platform (like Sqij & Speccies 2 also were). It’s pretty early in the process so far – I’m only 1.5 week into the project, so I’m not saying more until I have more to show … but it does feel good to be developing again 🙂

Update 2020 #1: I’m still alive :-)

Wow, today it’s precisely two years since my last update. Not much new to report, though – I haven’t been terribly active lately … hence the absence of updates. In those two years I’ve started coding 3 games for the Spectrum Next … and abandoned all of them again. It appears I’m lacking the motivation to code at the moment. Oh well. I guess I just need a bit of time away from it, so unfortunately I’m not writing about a new game, but rather updates on a few older projects.

The 48K version of Vallation came out in 2016 and the 128K version about 1.5 year later. The 128K version was intended to be exclusive to the physical release of the game by Psytronic, but I always wanted to make it a free download too, after a while. Well, that’s now. I’ve added a download link to its page, here. Get the physical version on tape anyway, if you don’t have it 😉

More good news: My webhost was sold a while back (a year ago, perhaps two?) and changed name in the process. That also meant that the servernames changed, which resulted in the online scoring in my games broke. It took me a while to look into, but luckily I had coded the highscore functions rather cleverly, so all I had to do was change the server scripts. Which I’ve done now and the online scoring should work again.

However, there is also some bad news. I’m usually a Windows user, but I bought a MacBookPro in 2011 to be able to port some of my games to OSX. However, some time later Apple updated OSX and dropped legacy support, which means that my OSX games doesn’t work on newer versions of OSX. The language I coded the games in hasn’t been updated, so unfortunately it’s not possible to recompile them anymore. I will leave the games online, but be aware that they won’t work on the current versions of OSX.

Alright, that was it for my 2020 update. Let’s hope I find a project to work on, so it doesn’t take two years before the next update 😉