Space Fury

This remake of Space Fury, is my second (of three) games made for the Retro Remakes Competition 2008.
The original arcade game was made in 1981 by Gremlin.

Download for Windows XP and above.
Download for Mac OSX (Intel).

MAC OSX note:
Please be aware, that the games I’ve ported to OSX doesn’t run on newer OS’s. I bought my MacBook Pro in 2011 and have never updated it, so I can assure you that the games still work. BUT Apple has removed “Legacy support” from their operating systems, and since the language I’ve used hasn’t been updated to support newer OSX versions, the games won’t run on on newer and updated machines.

The player pilots a spaceship and battles against 20 waves of alien ships led by a 4 boss creatures that taunts you before each round. Every third round the player can dock to receive extra firepower.

The original game has 5 levels and 1 boss but this remake has 4 times that – 20 levels and 4 bosses.
When (if) you reach level 20 it will repeat indefinitely once you beat it, but it will take lots of skill.
When you get a highscore you can upload your score to the server and see you score compared to other players.

Hints: How to get ahead in Space Fury?
Well, for each wave you have to defeat in increasingly higher amount of enemies than the previously one. When you have killed the amount of enemies required to go to the next level, the game will keep spawning enemies if you leave less than 3 enemies on screen for more than a few seconds, so it’s in your best interrest to kill the enemies as fast as possible. You also get a bonus depending of how fast you complete a wave…so you’d better get killin’ commander. Good luck!

For information on the original game, go to “Killer List Of Videogames” (KLOV)

Here’s 2 screenshots from the original game.

Here’s 2 screenshots from my remake (pictures reduced – click to enlarge).

Player 1
Rotate left-right: Cursor keys left and right
Thrust: Alt
Fire: Left Ctrl.

All keys can be redefined. Digital joypads are also supported.

The original arcade game was produced Gremlin in 1981.
This remake is programmed by S. Borgquist – aka. Sokurah in 2008.
Music by Robert “Oddbob/RobF” Fearon (
Voice Over Sound Design – Rich Douglas –

This game is FREEWARE and must remain freeware. The game shouldn’t be sold but can generally be distributed however you want, as long as all the files are included and unchanged. If you have paid for this game you’ve been conned. If you know of anyone who sells it, please let me know.

If you have any comments, questions, praise or feedback about this remake? – email me (email found on the ‘about‘ page).

Title: Highscores
Description: Highscores

V1.0 – Initial release for Windows.
V1.1 – Lots of updates for Windows and ported to Mac OSX.

<table border=”0″ width=”100%”>
<td width=”160″><a href=”″><img class=”alignleft” title=”Download for Windwows” src=”” alt=”” width=”141″ height=”27″ /></a></td>
<td width=”77%”>Download for Windows XP and above.</td>
<td width=”160″><a href=”″><img class=”alignleft” title=”Download for Mac OSX” src=”” alt=”” width=”141″ height=”27″ /></a></td>
<td width=”77%”>Download for Mac OSX (Intel).</td>