Oh dear, another year passed, another 2.5 years of nothing.

Yeah, oh dear, it has been 2.5 years since my last update and then it had been 2.5 years since I had worked on anything, so basically that means at least 5 years of developing nothing.

Well, thats not entirely true. I have developed lots, started lots of projects – and several of those up to being 75% complete, before abandoning them (perhaps only temporarily, who knows) for something else … or relaxing, but the point is: I haven’t completed any projects I’ve started since 2018 … and I’m honestly not very happy about that.

That’s crazy, what happened? I used to be so active from 2004 to 2018, but in truth my job has changed and I’m now much busier at work than I was before, so I’m more tired in the evenings and go to bed earlier – and instead of coding I spend my ‘down time’ (usually) watching television.

I do miss coding though, and I am working on (another) new project for the Spectrum Next that I hope I will finish soon – it’s certainly more than 75% complete by now, so that’s a good omen, lol.

I’m not sure when it will be ready, but I’m sure I’ll post about it in as many places as I can 😉

Happy New Year 🥳🎉🥂