Update 2020 #1: I’m still alive :-)

Wow, today it’s precisely two years since my last update. Not much new to report, though – I haven’t been terribly active lately … hence the absence of updates.Β In those two years I’ve started coding 3 games for the Spectrum Next … and abandoned all of them again. It appears I’m lacking the motivation to code at the moment. Oh well. I guess I just need a bit of time away from it, so unfortunately I’m not writing about a new game, but rather updates on a few older projects.

The 48K version of Vallation came out in 2016 and the 128K version about 1.5 year later. The 128K version was intended to be exclusive to the physical release of the game by Psytronic, but I always wanted to make it a free download too, after a while. Well, that’s now. I’ve added a download link to its page, here. Get the physical version on tape anyway, if you don’t have it πŸ˜‰

More good news: My webhost was sold a while back (a year ago, perhaps two?) and changed name in the process. That also meant that the servernames changed, which resulted in the online scoring in my games broke. It took me a while to look into, but luckily I had coded the highscore functions rather cleverly, so all I had to do was change the server scripts. Which I’ve done now and the online scoring should work again.

However, there is also some bad news. I’m usually a Windows user, but I bought a MacBookPro in 2011 to be able to port some of my games to OSX. However, some time later Apple updated OSX and dropped legacy support, which means that my OSX games doesn’t work on newer versions of OSX. The language I coded the games in hasn’t been updated, so unfortunately it’s not possible to recompile them anymore. I will leave the games online, but be aware that they won’t work on the current versions of OSX.

Alright, that was it for my 2020 update. Let’s hope I find a project to work on, so it doesn’t take two years before the next update πŸ˜‰

That was the year that was, goodbye 2011, hello 2012.

The year 2011 is almost over and it’s time to look at what happened during the course of it.

Around this time last year I decided that my only (game related) New Year’s resolution would be to make three games in 2011, and now – one year later – I have to admit that I didn’t manage it…not really anyway. I didn’t make any new PC games this past year (how the hell did that happen?), but I did port 9 of my PC games to the Mac OSX platform, so hopefully that makes up for it.

Around november I began working on a new Christmas game (Buggerman: The Xmass Heist) – which would be my third year in a row doing that – but not only have I spent less time programming the last two months than I expected, I’ve also run into problems coding it which has unfortunately delayed it past Christmas. Oh well. I think I’ve figured those things out now and I expect it to be finished in January.

I did make one new game this year, though. After wanting to make a ZX Spectrum game for more than 25 years I finally decided to do it and I chose to make a Spectrum version of the arcadegame Dingo by A.C.G. (aka. Ultimate Play The Game). Not having touched z80 assembler language for more than 20 years I threw myself into it and made progress in no time, which caught the attention of Mark R. Jones who used to work for Ocean & Imagine Software back in the late 80’s, and he offered to help out with with the graphics. And it ended up looking very nice too. πŸ™‚

The game was finished in time for the early November Replay Expo in Blackpool – which we decided would be the release of the game – and I went over there to promote the game and to meet Mark for the first time. We sold a very limited run of the game on cassette – all numbered and signed by the both of us, and the game has been recieved fantastically well and gotten almost only good reviews (like, here, here, here & here).

I’ve been featured a couple of times in Retro Gamer Magazine this year too. In February (I think), my remake of Star Castle was “Remake of the Month” (my second game to earn that title – the first was Omega Race 2009). Later in the year my upcoming remake of X-Quest 2 was mentioned, but that was delayed and I hope to finish it in 2012 instead. Finally Dingo was featured in a two-page making-of/interview feature in their November issue. Dingo was also mentioned in GamesTM Magazine.

So, New Year’s resolutions for 2012? Easy…make (at least) three games. πŸ™‚ …possibly a new Spectrum game too.

So stick around and visit once in a while – I’m sure I’ll have new things to offer. And please do send me a mail if you like what I’m doing.

For now I would like to wish a Happy New Year to all my visitors. May you have a great year full of good experiences.

Christmas time is here, by golly, Disapproval would be folly.

Another year, another Christmas (kinda predictable, really) and I’ve finally caught up with something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now – port my two existing Christmas games to OSX so they can be played by Mac people too.

So The Snowman (’09) and The Night Before Christmas (’10) are now available for both Windows and Mac OSX, too.

Click the links above or on the banners below to go to where they can be downloaded.

You’ll notice that there are 3 banners. Yup, that’s a small sneakpeek at my latest Christmas game “Buggerman: The Xmass Heist” which I’m working on and hope to have finished before Christmas.


The Snowman - now on OSX too.

The Snowman - now on OSX too.

The Night Before Christmas - now on OSX too.

The Night Before Christmas - now on OSX too.

Buggerman: The Xmass Heist - coming this Christmas (I hope).

Buggerman: The Xmass Heist - coming this Christmas (I hope).

Star Castle and “ASS” for OSX too.

Yay, two more games ported for Mac OSX.

This time the arcade classic (and Retro Gamer Magazine ‘Remake of the Month‘) Star Castle and my remake of an old ZX Spectrum game called Orion – called ASS here (very simple and silly little game).

That makes the number of my Mac games 7 which is almost half the number of my games for Windows. I’ll probably do more but it won’t be anytime soon as I should really concentrate on some of my unfinished WIP’s now. πŸ™‚

Have fun…and send me an email of you enojy any of them. πŸ˜‰

The links for downloading the games are on their respective pages.

Now available for Mac OSX too.

Now available for Mac OSX too.