Dingo for iOS.

Dingo is now available as a free standalone app for iOS (running under Jonathan Needle’s Spectaculator emulator), so if you want to give it play on that platform you can. It does play a lot better on a real keyboard, though.

Dingo on iOS running under the Spectaculator emulator.

Dingo on iOS running under the Spectaculator emulator.


However, I’ve started to tweak the game and have cleared a bit of space, so when I get more time I’ll probably look into improving the controls a bit. That will definitely help on the iOS platform.

It’s been two weeks since the REPLAY Expo and it was quite an experience and went pretty much without a hitch (I didn’t screw things up too badly until I got back, but that’s a whole different post).

Here’s another picture from the Expo.

The Dingo stand at the REPLAY Expo.

The Dingo stand at the REPLAY Expo.


Currently I’m working on a new Xmas game for the PC. Unfortunately I’m a bit behind schedule, but I hope to have it finished before Christmas anyway. If not, then I’m going to be done in real good time before next Christmas. LOL.


About Sokurah