Pork chops….AI HA!

With my short vacation from Psycho Pigs UXB, to make Omega Race 2009, it’s been a while since I’ve worked on my pork-project but now I’m back to working on the piggiegame and is making good progress.

Since all the graphics in the game are done and I’ve shown pictures of both the menu and a couple of in-game screenshots I thought I’d show something new now. The game has a total of 13 enemy pigs and they are all introduced in their own way. There’s a girlie-piggy, a biker, a pirate, a ninja, a robot and lots more, so you should have plenty to look at once the game is finished. I can’t say exactly when that’ll be, but now that I’m feeling recharged and is back to working on the game I should be making speedy progress.

Here’s a stillframe from the introduction of the ninja-pig.

About Sokurah