Star Castle updated to v1.1

Almost two months since my last update. Not good. Well, here’s a bit of news to show you that I haven’t been completely laid back. 😉

I’ve updated Star Castle to v.1.1
I haven’t touched the gameplay in this version, but I’ve added joystick/joypad support (let me know how it works for you), a pure line mode (non-glowing graphics) and adjustable amount of glow on the graphics if you’re playing the original “neon-mode”. Oh, and there’s a new and more pleasing (imho) backdrop too. Grab it here.

X-Quest 2
This is what I’ve been working on the last month and I’m making really good progress on this title. I have no new screenshots to show as I’ve only been working on the gameplay and not the graphics – so it mostly looks the same as earlier. I hope to find someone to redo the all graphics for me, but if not I’ll be doing them myself, but either way – it’ll have all new graphics before it’s released. I can’t tell you when that’ll be…but it’ll happen. 😉

The iPhone?
I had an idea for an iPhone game yesterday. Not a remake but something original. Well…not original original – more like a mishmash of existing games, but it’ll be fun to make…and hopefully to play too. I’ll start prototyping stuff for it, but for now I’m concentrating my finishing my current PC remake wips.

v1.1 banner.

Star Castle v1.1 now available.

About Sokurah