A few more updates coming.

Hey there. I thought I’d round off the month with some exciting news. 😉

I’m currently working on updates for the 3 games I made in 2008 – Zektor, Space Fury & Dingo.

Well, the Windows versions are done. I think I want to play them a little more to make sure everything is as it should be, but so far they behave as they should. I think I should have them out sometime later this week.

Perhaps, even more exciting, is the news that they’ll will also be available for the Mac OSX.

Yes, I’ve mentioned I’d do a thing like this, but I just haven’t gotten around to it…until now. I still have a few more kinks to iron out, but Zektor is runing perfectly on my Mac, so I expect to have the other two up and running in no time too. And…that includes online scoring. Yay. 🙂

Hopefully I can find the time to put Omega Race 2009 through the wringer too, but when these three are done I need a bit of time before I do that.

Anyway, stay tunes – lots of new game (updates) coming real soon. 😉

About Sokurah