Released: The Speccies (1 & 2).

Okay, finally made it – The Speccies has arrived and are now released into the wild.

The Speccies is a puzzlegame for the 48K ZX Spectrum. It’s coded in pure Z80 assembler and contains 101 levels of brain-torturing‎ fun.

The game is not only released as a digital download but also available as a strictly limited run of physical cassettes for the ZX Spectrum – see below and mail me for information if you’re interrested.

We (the artist and me) had problems with parts of the the physical product (mainly the deluxe version) so we decided to hold off the release until after the summer vacation, then we got some better music for it which introduced some last minute bugs, and before we knew of it much more time, than we had anticipated, had gone by. On the plus side that means that – since the game had basically been completed for several months – there was time to submit it to Retro Gamer Magazine and ended up being reviewed and scoring 85% at about the same time the game was released…so that worked out nicely. 😉


During all this time of doing nothing – and being on vacation and not feeling like doing anything – I came across a Flashgame that I liked and I thought “wouldn’t that make an excellent 16K Spectrum game?“, so I began coding that anyway. I reused a lot of stuff from the first game, which saved a lot of time, and by doing that I was able to code this game in 4½ days. It’s not fantastic, it’s not original, but it’s a simple fun puzzle game and I had lots of fun making it…and feel quite satisfied with what I achieved in the time I spent. And so The Speccies II was born. It is included on the tape on the deluxe version of the physical cassette that we sell (all sold out, btw) but it can be downloaded for free as well.

Here’s a picture showing the menus and an ingame screen from each game.


This picture shows the three physical versions of the game being sold; the single cassette version, the double case version and the Ultimate-style deluxe version and in the background – the poster we also produced.

And finally the review of The Speccies from Retro Gamer Magazine (September 2013) when the game scored 85%.

Happy playing. 🙂


“The Speccies” is finished. But when will it be released?

Time for an update, I think. So, my new ZX Spectrum game “The Speccies” has been finished for a couple of weeks now, but it’ll be a little while longer before it’s released into the wild, though.

The reason for the delay is that the artist and me wants to produce a small amount of physical cassettes, that’ll we’ll put up for sale, and it’ll be a while before we get this sorted out. Had it only been the standard-sized cassette boxes it wouldn’t have been much of a delay, but we want to produce a small amount of large Ultimate-style boxes too (similar to the ones in the background of the picture below), and they’ll be brand new boxes made specifically for this purposes (and in blue) which means that we’ll need to have new plastic inlays produced too…and that’s the primary thing holding it up at the moment. Hopefully we’ll get them produced sometime soon – within a couple of weeks.

There will only be a very limited amount of these available – less than half of what there were of Dingo, and they’ll include some sort of extras that we haven’t quite decided on yet, so if you want something really special then this will be the way to go. However, the game will also be available to download for free, so if you’re late to the party, or don’t want to spend any money, then that’s fine too. 🙂

I think the game has turned out very well – but don’t just take my word for it – here’s what the musician had to say about the almost finished version a month ago;

Heheh, what a great little game. Really plays well, doesn’t it!
Can’t really think of anything suggestion-wise — I think you’ve got it all very well covered to be honest. Graphics are awesome, gameplay is awesome, and it’s exactly the sort of game I enjoy playing too (on any platform) so I’m really proud to have my little version of the The Brainies tune in there.
Excellent work. I think it’ll go down very well indeed when it’s released!

Stay tuned for more updates about the release soon.


This is obviously from my previous Spectrum game, but it shows the three sizes the game will be available in – single, double & large custom-case versions.


“The Speccies” – a new ZX Spectrum game coming soon.

Yes, is it I – the master of not updating my website as often as I wish I did. 😉

As it’s not always my projects becomes actual games – or become massively delayed – I prefer to work silently and not speak up until I have something to show and is pretty confident that I’ll actually complete what I’m working on – and that’s the reason for this post…I finally have a new game out soon. Yay.

My upcoming game is called “The Speccies” and is a remake, for the 48K ZX Spectrum, of the classic puzzlegame “The Brainies” (or “Tiny Skweeks” in Europe) which is available for the DOS, Amiga, Atari ST, Apple II, Mac, Amstrad CPC and SNES platforms.

Here’s the logo of the game.  Click it to go to the “official” page with more information and more pictures.